Brittany Herring Studio

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Optimize your Pinterest Boards to Gain Traffic

So you are using Pinterest to gain traffic, but wait, there are over 450 million monthly active users on Pinterest. 

How will my content ever be seen by my ideal audience with so many people??!!

Don’t worry, I got you. 


Optimizing your Boards is a great way to help ensure your content is being targeted and found on Pinterest by the right people.


And it can be done in just a few easy steps. 


1. Do Some Research


Pinterest is a visual search engine, and just like Google, in order to be found on Pinterest, you need to use keywords/keyphrases for the content you are trying to promote. 


See below where you can find keywords now that the helpful bubbles are disappearing or GONE …

*Another great way to find keywords/keyphrases is by typing in what you think your keyword should be in the search (make sure it is set to ‘All Pins’) and you will see a list pop up underneath as you type. 


This list will include the most searched terms on that topic.


2. Make Board Titles


You will need multiple Pinterest boards created for each topic of content your business puts out to increase the changes of your pins being seen.


Once you have found a handful of keywords/keyphrases for your content, you will want to make them your board titles so that you have multiple related boards to pin your content to. 


*Be sure to keep your Board SECRET until you are done optimizing it


For example: 


On my website, I created 10 FREE Pinterest Pin Templates that you can grab HERE.

To Promote this to my Audience, my Board titles may be:


Canva Templates

FREE Templates

Pinterest Pin Canva Templates

Pinterest Pin Ideas

Pinterest Pin Design


You get the idea :)


3. Pin 3rd Party Content Through Pinterest Suggestions 


After you create your Board Title, Pinterest will suggest related pins to your topic. 


Make sure to pin some 3rd party content that best matches your topic to help the Pinterest Algorithm figure out what your board is about. 


After this, you will want to write out your board description and include as many keywords as possible. 


It is important to make sure your descriptions flow and aren’t just a list of keywords. 


Also, in my experience, using hashtags doesn’t increase your chances of being found on Pinterest. 


Be sure to include your website at the end of your board description so that your audience knows where they can go if they want to learn more. 


Once your description is written, you can make your board public.


4. Pin Fresh 3rd Party Content Directly from their Websites 


It is also recommended that you pin directly from other people’s websites as they are considered fresh pins (which Pinterest LOVES).


This will help build up engagement on a board before you start pinning your content. 


You can do this by hovering over images on 3rd party websites that have the Pinterest icon on it so you can pin it manually to Pinterest or you can download the Tailwind Extension (you need Google Chrome) and schedule pins through there.


Find out how to add the Tailwind Extension HERE


When you are on someone else’s website, just click the tailwind extension icon in the upper right-hand corner of your browser, and it will show you what images on that page are pinnable to Pinterest. 


I highly recommend you use the Tailwind Extension to pin third-party content because you will be able to edit the titles and descriptions in Tailwind and optimize the pins in your favor by adding the board title of the board you just created to increase Pinterest SEO. 


Once you have done that, you are good to go and ready to pin your content!


Be sure to be consistent with Pinterest, creating fresh content regularly in order to get the best results on the platform.